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Discover interactive financial literacy resources
Interactive activity:
How can I keep track of my money?
Pupils follow Harvey's story as he navigates learning to keep track of his money.
Age: 5-8
Interactive activity:
Scam busters
Pupils explore four scenarios and decide if Liam and his family are being scammed.
Age: 8-12
Interactive activity:
Credit or debt?
Students meet three unique characters and work out if they are in credit or debt.
Age: 12-16
Interactive activity:
Time is Money: Escape Room
Students learn about saving, borrowing and lending money through an immersive activity.
Age: 16-18
Explore careers, employment and income choices
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Accredited and educationally robust
MoneySense is proud to have been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark by Young Money. The programme is based on the Financial Education Planning Framework, and has been created with input from practising teachers to support the curriculum.